Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Getting Settled as an Intern

   Hello all readers :) My name is Elizabeth, and I am an MPA student at ASU.  This is my second semester in the program, and as you can see, I am interning at Phoenix Sister Cities for the next few months. For those who don't know what Phoenix Sister Cities is all about (I didn't before I applied), it is an organization devoted to building relationships with various "Sister Cities" around the world.  They have 9 active partnerships with different cities, from Calgary, Canada to Himeji, Japan.  Among many other things, Phoenix Sister Cities also hosts incoming delegations here in Phoenix, puts on cultural events throughout the year, sends youth ambassadors abroad, and hosts youth ambassadors from other cities.  If you want to find out more, the website is, because there is a lot more to be said!
   In my first few weeks at Phoenix Sister Cities I've been doing little things here and there.  My technical position is 'Assistant to the Executive Director'...which they tell me sounds much cooler than 'intern', so let's go with that.  My first week pretty much consisted of getting acquainted with the office and the work that is done.  My second and third weeks were still filled with learning the ropes, but by now I'm starting to feel like I'm getting the hang of things.  Some things I've been working on so far include: sending out emails about nominating different cities for an award, writing up some nominations, making packets for Board meetings, filling out applications in order to hold city events, and helping with whatever the Executive Director needs done that day.  If all of that sounds pretty vague, I'll get into it more in later posts.  If I keep writing I won't have much to say for the next one, so stay tuned if you're interested.  
  All in all, I think working in Downtown Phoenix is a pretty cool experience.  There's a lot going on, and our office seems right in the middle of some important people and events.  I'm looking forward to the people I'll get to meet and the things I'll learn from not only the people in my office, but the countless others I'm sure I'll be in contact with.  With all that said, I know I'm just an intern and I know that some days my work will be mundane. A few of those days have already come and gone, and all I can tell myself in those moments is that I can learn from the good and the bad experiences, because both can tell me more about what I do and don't want in a career. Furthermore, this internship is a learning experience that not everyone gets, so I'll be thankful for that!


  1. Your internship sounds fantastic. It appears you will be quite busy working in such an exciting atmosphere. I also work and intern in downtown Phoenix. I love the hustle and bustle of a big city, but still enjoy going home to a quiet and not so crowded location. Have fun in what you do and keep up the good attitude.

  2. So what are your cultural events that are planned for Fall Semester? Is there a Chinese Cultural day or something. . . it seems like I hear about that every year, but I've never gone. You will have to advertise them here on your blog so we know what is coming up!

  3. Your internship sounds really cool! I would love to be involved with an organization like this...
