Friday, December 10, 2010

The End

   For my last post I figured I'd reflect on what I learned most in my time as an intern.  It ended a week ago, and I had a pretty good experience, but I'm ready to get on to the next phase of my life.  While at Phoenix Sister Cities I learned more about what I don't want to do rather than what I do want to do.  It was a good office, good work, but not for me.  I think learning this was is just as valuable as if I had learned I loved the work and wanted to do it for the rest of my life.  So while it was a great experience, it is not an experience I want to make a career out of, and I am happy with that realization.
   So now I'm on to the next phase in my life.  Starting a new job that is in an area I'm interested in, and applying to programs that suite me better than an MPA.  For now though, I'm going to home to California for the holidays and am excited to relax and see my family and friends :) This is my favorite time of year.
   I can go into the Christmas season knowing that I had a successful semester and I learned a lot about what I want for my future career...yay for important life decisions.  I've enjoyed hearing what many of the rest of you have been up to this semester, and I hope you all got great things out of your internship experience.  Have a great Winter break everyone!


  1. Congratulations on your semester, and realizing some important self truths! Good luck in whatever you do next!

  2. Realizing what you do not want to do is just as important as realizing what you do! Congrats and good luck with the next stage!
