Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last Day

   The other day was my last day on the job at Phoenix Sister Cities.  Fifteen weeks went by faster than I could have imagined.
   It was a really nice last day.  The office bought us interns lunch and gave us a thank you gift.  We spent the lunch hour talking about our next plans and our favorite parts of the internship.  That day the applications for the Youth Ambassador Program were due, and so on our last day we actually stayed a couple hours late to help out with sorting applications and getting them ready to be reviewed.  It was a fun last day to wrap up our time in the office.  Once we were done the interns and I went out for appetizers and drinks as a way to celebrate!
   It's a little sad that it's already over, but I'm thankful for the experience I had and the people I met.  Great semester!

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