Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Nice Relaxing Week

   The last couple weeks at Phoenix Sister Cities have been a little out of the ordinary.  The office is pretty small to begin with (3 full time employees and 4 interns).  The executive director and deputy director were both gone on a trip to France, meeting with our sister city of Grenoble.  They take about two outgoing trips like this per year.  That means 2 out of 3 full timers were gone for the week (and the most important ones at that).  So our days were pretty laid back and casual.  We did some consolidating of offices, meaning we moved furniture and cabinets and things like that out of offices and into new offices.  Manual labor type stuff.  We also had nice longer lunches, and those left behind in the office got to know each other a little more.
   I personally have enjoyed the laid back atmosphere around the office, without must to do and without much stress.  We still had things to get done, but it didn't feel like it does when the big bosses are there.  It was just nice to have a bit of a break :)  Pretty soon it will be back to the norm.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. Its really nice to de-stress and just have a nice easy week for a change! I may have missed it below but what exactly is your role at the internship? Do you work with PJ Conover? I was offered an internship there last year, but had to turn it down because I had to get surgery. I bet the experience is great and wish I could have been a part of it!
