Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Parks and Rec Meeting

   On Monday two of the other interns and I had a shadowing meeting with the Head of the Parks and Recreation Department with the city of Phoenix.  I think I mentioned before that our intern supervisor tries to set up 3 to 5 of these shadowing opportunities for us during our time at the internship.  This was the second shadowing experience for me.
   The meeting was really cool.  The two people we met with were extremely nice, welcoming, and helpful.  They talked about their own experiences and what led them to their careers within parks and rec.  They also gave us their cards and told us to contact them with any questions we may have relating to parks and rec, career choices, or anything at all.  Even though I'm not too interested in working with the Parks Department, its really nice to go into these meetings and see how nice city employees are, and see how they are so willing to help interns out in their time of learning and searching.
   One thing that really resonated with me was the Head of the Department's description of what makes Phoenix attractive.  He said, "The beaches of Phoenix are our mountains."  I thought this was a cool description, and so accurate.  Maybe the dessert mountains aren't for everyone, but I have definitely come to love them, and they really are the beaches of Arizona :)

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