Thursday, October 21, 2010

Public Transit Meeting

   This week has been full of meetings.  Not only did we meet with Parks and Rec on Monday, but we met with a manager from the Public Transit Department yesterday.  During this meeting the other interns and I learned nothing about transit.  Instead, the manager we spoke with was so cool and laid back, we spent almost an hour and a half just talking about her experiences, what we wanted to do with our lives, how its OK that we don't really know, etc.
   Like I said before, the best part about these shadowings is meeting people who genuinely want to help you and hear about your ambitions (and they always say how normal it is to not have a career set and in place).  Basically, its so reassuring to meet such friendly people who want to make your experience with the city an enjoyable one.  The manger we met with in the transit department kept saying we could call her and talk about careers anytime and she would help us in any way that she could, because when she was an intern people did that for her and now she's paying it forward.
   So while these meetings have nothing to do with my actual internship at Phoenix Sister Cities, I learn so much from the people who take the time to talk with us, and it has been my favorite thing about my internship experience!


  1. Elizabeth! Hey I saw that you posted on my blog a while back and it is good to hear from you. It's also good to hear of your internship with Sister Cities. I actually called them once to see if they had any job openings, but it seems like they get enough help with interns! It's good to hear you are getting to talk to different people and get a feel of what they do, those are some of the best things about internships.

  2. Networking is KEY to success! Internships offer many opportunities for networking, perhaps more so than actual work-related experience.
