Saturday, November 6, 2010

First Friday

   Last night I spent my evening at First Friday in Downtown Phoenix.  Phoenix Sister Cities not only has committees for our 9 different sister cities, but we also have a Disabilities Awareness Committee (DAC).  DAC is involved in promoting awareness for those with disabilities here in Phoenix and partnering with our sister cities around the world to do the same.
   Last night at First Friday DAC put on an exhibit of art done by people who have disabilities.  It was actually a really great exhibit with so many different amazing pieces of art.  The pieces were judged and three of them won prizes.  Also, as people came in they were asked to vote for their favorite, and one lucky winner won the people's choice award.
   Another cool thing about the exhibit was that many of the pieces were for sale.  Half of what the piece was sold for went to the artist and the other half went to DAC.  So not only was it a great exhibit for a lot of people to experience, but it was a way for the committee and the artists to earn money for a good cause.
   Last night was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed seeing the art, walking around first friday, spending time with the other interns, and getting some extra hours of work in in a fun environment!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like the event was not only fun but beneficial for the community! I don't go to First Fridays too often but when I do I always see this guy who is quadrapralegic painting amazing paintings with his teeth!
