Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Last Committee Meetings

   This week I attended the last of the committee meetings that I need to attend for my time as an intern.  On Monday night I went to the Calgary, Canada meeting again and on Wednesday night I went to the Ennis, Ireland meeting for the first time.
   Just like the last meeting, the Calgary committee was very laid back and fun.  I think I mentioned before that it takes place at a restaurant/bar and doesn't feel like a formal meeting.  It's a good way for people to be involved in the committee and not feel like it is more time and work that they need to put in on top of the rest of their commitments.
   The Ennis committee was a good experience because I could compare how the two meetings were conducted differently.  The Ennis meeting was still pretty informal, but it had a structure that the Calgary meetings seem to lack.  Those on the Ennis committee seem to have their stuff together more so than Calgary does.  They seemed to be getting a lot discussed and accomplished because everyone was on the same page.  At the Calgary meetings I've been to there are a lot of different things going on at once; side conversations, tangents, and just a lot of little things making it seem chaotic.
   It's interesting because both meetings seem to function in there own way and still get things accomplished.  The people are different and therefore the structure is different, but it works for the each committee in its own way.  I personally liked the Ennis meeting because it was to the point, but I understand that the Calgary committee only functions and has participants because it is more of a get together rather than a meeting, and I think that is important at this stage of the committee's life.

1 comment:

  1. I am always a fan of to the point meeting. busy schedules need quick productive meetings :-) However, I can also see the value in socializing :-)
