Sunday, November 7, 2010

Goodbye PJ

   Over the last few days I was informed that my intern supervisor, PJ, is leaving Phoenix Sister Cities for a new position with the city of Chandler doing environmental education.  His last day in our office will be the 19th, which is two weeks before the other interns and I are done with the internship.  So, we're all a little confused and worried about how those weeks will go.
   He is pretty much our go to person with questions because, well, a large part of his job is to look over the interns :)  And he's great at it...such a fun guy.  For those last two weeks the interns and I will be in the office with the two other staff members, who are both very busy people and have little time to do much with interns.  Basically it will be interesting to see if there's not much to do or if its just absolute chaos with a staff short one person.
   It's also interesting because our last week there the executive director will be out of town for a conference.  So it basically looks like us interns will be there alone for our last week in the office.  Yay for a big send off :)


  1. I'm often left without my supervisor since she is always jet-setting around the world making incredible contacts and having crucial meetings. But time alone in the office isn't always a bad thing. I actually learn more when I'm forced to figure out a lot of things on my own, as opposed to having the answers put in front of me all the time. I also make a lot more mistakes though... lol. Good luck!

  2. Elizabeth, I want to wish you good luck in your move to Education and it's good to hear that some credits may transfer. And about PJ leaving, I wonder if any of the interns are vying for the spot?
