Sunday, November 21, 2010

Internship Interviews

   Last week we held the interviews for the Spring intern positions.  It seemed like just yesterday I was sitting in the chair they were sitting in, interviewing for the position I now have.  The other interns and I got to be involved in the interview process, and it was a fun and helpful experience.
   Each of us interns got to sit in on 3 to 4 interviews, ask questions, and answer their questions about what the internship entails.  It was good for us because we got to see how people interview, take away things that people did well, and become more aware of what not to do and what not to say.  Most of the interviews I got to sit in on though, the interviewees did a really good job.  There were 13 or so applicants and only 4 spots there were decisions to be made after the interviews were said and done.
   I also got to be involved in giving opinions about who I thought would do a good job as an intern.  Most of us agreed on who should definitely get a position, but there were a couple of people that were maybes and discussion needed to be had before they were dismissed.  I realize now how hard it can be when so many good applicants are in the running.  It's too bad only 4 positions are available, because I have no doubt that many of the applicants would have done a great job and would have loved working at Phoenix Sister Cities.
   Anyway, all in all, I really enjoyed being a part of the interview process.  I learned a lot, and I'm glad I had a hand in seeing who will take the newly opened spots come January :)


  1. Elizabeth,
    What a great opportunity to be working at the Sister Cities. I actually volunteer there for a couple of months almost 2 years ago. I had a great experience and loved what the Phoenix Sister Cities do. I am glad that you had the opportunity to be part of the interns interviews, how long will you be interning at the PSC?

  2. I recently did the same process! Its fun seeing who will be replacing us in the next batch of interns. And one of my friends actually got accepted for the Phoenix Sister Cities internship, so I approve of the choices you made! lol

  3. It's always nice to be on the other side of that table :)

    Using current interns to help in the hiring process is a great idea. It allows employers to hear insights that would not have otherwise been brought up or crossed their mind.

  4. I think having other interns become a part of the process was an excellent idea. learning process for the current interns, and enabling the selections committee to have input from people who have actually lived through the experience

  5. I remember my first interview for a "real job" it was done by a panel of employees and i remember being absolutely terrified! I am glad you found some great employees!

  6. Hi Elizabeth, In my experiences, I have found that the hiring process and conducting an interview is as challenging as being interviewed. Glad to hear you had a good experience.
