Monday, November 1, 2010

Executive and Board Meeting

   Tonight was my first experience at one of Phoenix Sister Cities' Executive and Board of Directors Meetings.  All semester I've worked on putting packets together for these meetings (that happen once a month) but haven't been able to attend yet.  It was an interesting, but not all it was cracked up to be experience.
   In the past I thought these meetings were a big deal, considering all the work that goes into making them happen.  I didn't actually attend the Executive meeting; all I did was sign people in as they got there and give them their packet of papers for the meeting -- that was easy.  Following the Executive meeting was the Board meeting, where again I didn't do much.  I got a free dinner of hummus, pita, and other mediterranean foods between meetings.  But other than signing people in, stamping parking passes, greeting people at the door, and cleaning up, my role was limited.  The other interns and I are there really for the experience and to help out when needed.  I did help out, but the experience wasn't that great.  I found the meeting pretty boring and not very substantial.  However, I do think this meeting was shorter than previous ones from what I've heard from other interns who have attended in the past.  Regardless, it was a good experience, just not what I had expected I guess.
   Anyway, that was the last Executive and Board of Directors meeting of the year, meaning it was my first and last with Phoenix Sister Cities.  Only 5 more weeks on the job actually -- hard to believe!


  1. I feel the same way about the events I am responsible for promoting with my internship. My boss has us hosting events EVERY wednesday night that I am responsible for promoting... However, NO ONE ever comes. Last week, we had 1 person come to our HCG diet and weight loss event. Do I think this is because of bad marketing? Yes and No. I feel like it is overkill considering we are a medical facility... essentially we are a doctors office and nobody feels like spending their night off in a doctors office. They just don't.
    SO... I can relate. I feel like a whole lot of excess work goes into unproductive endeavors.

  2. I dont have a difficult time promoting events, but I do have a difficult time performing under the pressure of an even.
    I have a difficult time when the pressure in all on me and I'm forced to react to a host of different questions. the hard work and dedication should pay off!

  3. I have a difficult time with the monotonous duties of stamping parking passes, nametags, all the small things they pass on to the intern...however, if it is in place of a boring meeting I suppose I'll take it!
